Dear Sector Network TUEWAS members:

We are happy to present the 8th issue of the Sector Network TUEWAS Newsletter. This Newsletter comes after the Regional Conference in Bangkok in September 2022 on which we have been receiving overwhelming responses and appreciation from all our members. The Market Place at the recent Regional Conference saw an amazing display of Sector Network TUEWAS member projects with impactful results, tools, case examples and much more. In this issue, we give you a brief recap of the event and materials from the Conference, so that you can visit, or revisit, what has happened there.

The Sector Network TUEWAS Newsletter is an opportunity for all the member projects to share information on news, events, best practices and case examples. We thank all our members that have contributed to this Newsletter. As we see from the large amount of contributions we received for this issue, we believe that the Conference did make an positive impact on our engagement. We are happy to see your efforts and several interesting activities taking place across the member projects of Sector Network TUEWAS in the region. With your active contributions, we plan to make the Newsletter even more interesting in the future.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to share ideas on what TUEWAS could do to further support your work. You can reach us at tuewas@giz.de.

» Joint Sector Networks Regional Conference 2022
» Farewell to Wilaiwan
Updates on latest developments and knowledge sharing (technical)
» Energy Working Group
o Energy Efficiency through Digital Data
o GIZ supports 4 cities for its transformation into 100% RE City
o National Solar Rooftop Portal
o Ms. Hasina Khatun
o Exchanging experiences on deploying energy efficiency solutions in enterprises of Small Energy Efficiency Group
o Biomass for co-firing application at thermal power plants in Viet Nam
» Environment Working Group
o Understanding Pakistan’s risks to climate change
o Local governments to tackle waste management through the innovative vermicomposting
» Transport Working Groups
o Women on the Move – Mentorship Programme
o GIZ´s Low Carbon Sea Transport Project orders climate-neutral Pacific Island supply ship
o Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands funded by GIZ, Low Carbon Sea Transport
o Creating Synergies between Mobility Projects in India
o ‘Project Rakshak’: 12,000 First Responders Trained to Save Lives of Road Crash Victims
o Launch of National Logistics Policy for India by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi
o Training Program on Cold Chain
o Report launch of Freight GreenHouseGas Calculator
o Launch of E-Handbook on Warehousing Standards
» Circular Economy, Sustainable Waste Management & Marine Litter Prevention Task Force
o Rethinking Plastics’: Knowledge and insights from 3,5 years of project implementation
» Others
o G20 Support to the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK)
o The energy transition as a catalyst for a green economy and low-carbon development
Events, Trainings & Webinars
» Completed Events
o Capacity Development on the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), and Intersessional Working Group Meetings on Greenhouse Gases meetings
o Groundbreaking Ceremony of the New Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands
o Pakistani youth showcase innovative solutions to fight against climate change
o Policy Workshop on Green Financing Mechanisms in Pakistan
o 2nd High Level Policy Dialogue between BMZ and Pakistani Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC)
o Closing Workshop of Indian Rooftop PV Installers Skilling & Employment (IRISE)
o 3RproMar 1st Regional Workshop Series: Accelerating the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris
o Stakeholder Dialog and Technical Exchange on Circular Solutions for Indonesia
o Enhancing local governments in tackling waste management issue
o Improving the Quality of Human Resources for Better Sustainable Transport
o Starting 2022 with a Discussion on Sustainable Transport Implementation Plans
o Promoting Reliable Public Transport with Bus Driver Training and Certification
o Indonesia's Sustainable Urban Transport Journey at TCCW 2022
o Mission to Emphasize Sustainable Transport in Semarang
o Exploring the Advantages of BRT Implementation
o Gearing Up for Awards Towards Sustainable Transport
» Upcoming Events
o Opening Ceremony of the New Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands, Low Carbon Sea Transport
o Delivery of the New 50m Sailing Cargo ship to the Marshall Islands
o Signing of ‘Common Commitments’ at COP 27
o National Stakeholder Forum in Viet Nam
o National Stakeholder Forum in Indonesia
o 15th Urban Mobility India Conference
o Sustainable Transportation Forum 2022
Documents & Publications (technical content)
» Executive Programme In Sustainable Transport: Summary Report
Other Newsletters, Useful Links & Platforms (news from other networks)
» AdaptationCommunity.net
» GIZ International Forestry Policy Newsletter
» GIZ Philippines Facebook Page
» GIZ Thailand Website
» Indo-German Biodiversity Programme
» Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II (REEEP II) Newsletter
» SNRD Asia and The Pacific Website
» SNRD Africa Website
» TUMI Twitter
» TUEWAS Website
Staff News
» Farewell to National Staffs in the Low Carbon Sea Transport
Joint Sector Networks Regional Conference 2022
The Joint Sector Networks Regional Conference of SNRD Asia and the Pacific and TUEWAS was successfully held during 19-23 September 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. We had the pleasure of welcoming a total of 204 participants from 15 countries, mainly in Asia and the Pacific region, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. A well-balanced mix of AMAs, National Personnel, Development Workers and Integrated Experts, colleagues from GIZ Headquarters (Regional and Sectoral Departments) as well as external speakers made up our guests.

‘Transformative Change for Future-Readiness in Asia and the Pacific – Understand, Envision, Implement’ was chosen as this year’s theme as the Steering Committee agreed that the topic of transformation should be brought to our members’ attention, following the future strategy process conducted in 2020 influenced by the agenda 2030 and digitalisation to make SNRD Asia and the Pacific and TUEWAS future fit. To be “future-ready”, we need to understand what this means for the Asia and the Pacific region, we need to envision how to embrace and promote this change and how to find and implement best solutions.

The Conference agenda consisted of two days of plenaries; one day of small group discussions on current thematic topics and individual sector plenaries; and one day of reflection and networking activities. Via Microsoft Teams, several sessions are livestreamed to include online participants in the hope that the livestreaming would benefit those who could not travel to the venue due to the restriction on the number of physical participants on our part. Likewise, some speakers also joined discussions and gave presentations online, exuding the new normal feel in the room.

Participants were encouraged to discuss topics, trends, challenges, and ideas related to the global paradigm shifts and transformational changes that lie ahead of us which will shape our work and cooperation in the coming years. This includes major political, economic and societal challenges to safeguard our living planet, such as green climate resilience, just transition, building back better and building green and circular economies, halting biodiversity loss and restoring ecosystems. Key cross-cutting topics, such as gender-transformative approaches, digitalisation, strengthening partnerships and alliances, were touched upon to ensure this change happens in an inclusive, effective, and sustainable way. Various methods, including Foresight Radar, Marketplace, Open Space Technology, Panel Discussion, TEDx and Pecha Kucha style presentation, were used to facilitate the exchange.

Here are the links to the results of the discussions and details on the methods. You can continue browsing through all of the presentations, photos and recordings from the Conference here or read more about the event in the Conference report.

We thank all participants for your engagement and contributions. We hope you had a wonderful and productive time during the Conference.

Farewell to Wilaiwan
Wilaiwan Photharam, or as many of us may know as Fah, joined Sector Networks Secretariat as an intern in to support the organization of the Joint Sector Networks Regional Conference in 2020 and later on as a Project Assistant. For the past couple of years, she has been a solid support for the team in reviving the members’ engagement, provide administrative support to the steering group and members and well as supporting facilitation of various virtual events, and recently, the physical conference. Everyone who has met her will know her by her kind and helpful nature. Her presence and friendliness will be missed by all of us. We wish her the best of luck in her future adventure.
“Time flies truly fast.

Life in sector network is like a roller coaster for me. I booked front roll seat. Luckily, next seats are my lovely teammates. It was amazing experiences that I could not ask from other places. I have learned a lot and also perceived how dedicated that you had contributed through the sector network. You definitely inspired me in every single exchange. It was crystal clear when we have passed the Joint Sector Network Conference in Bangkok that these are distinctive added values for our works. The conversation and collaboration were so beautiful.

No matter what, I always admired that you have been shaping our future worth living around the world. I will keep all of these good memories in my deepest mind.

From now on, a hundred percent guaranteed that you will receive good support from my super team if I was no longer be in GIZ anymore.

Please contact me via wilaiwanphotharam@gmail.com

Thank you!"
Updates, latest development & knowledge sharing
Energy Working Groups
Energy Efficiency through Digital Data
Energy team from Peshawar Development Authority attending a training on EnMS. [GIZ Pakistan]

Providing a sustainable and sufficient energy supply is one of the significant challenges for the Government of Pakistan. Over the recent decades, Pakistani cities have been undergoing rapid urbanisation and economic growth; energy consumption is rising approximately 3.3 per cent annually. To cater to this increase, efficient electricity management and conservation measures in the municipal sectors are necessary to avoid financial and energy losses.

On behalf of BMZ, GIZ is implementing the “Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Concepts in Cities and Industry (REEE-SCALE)” project to support partner cities for implementing Energy Management System (EnMS) to create a basis for sustainable improvement of the energy situation.

To help the municipalities to implement EnMS, REEE-SCALE supported the technical staff of partner municipalities to enhance their understanding of energy monitoring and the benefits of using digital methods for recording and analysis. These digital tools provide an overview of all existing load profile and trends and enables the municipalities to adjust their energy efficiency measures accordingly. The municipal staff were also offered insights on low and no-investment energy efficiency and conservation measures. These trainings were attended by the energy teams from the partner municipalities and development authorities of Islamabad, Faisalabad and Peshawar.

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Muhammad Irshad Khan — Head of Programme

Key buzzwords
Energy Efficiency, Conservation, Digital Data, Energy Management System, Power Monitoring

GIZ supports 4 cities for its transformation into 100% RE City
Fig 1 – Demand Aggregation activities

The rapid urbanisation and changing lifestyles are increasing the electricity demand in Indian towns and cities. The Central Electricity Authority (Govt. of India) forecasts the peak electricity demand in India to reach 448 GWp by the year 2037. In view of the continuing megatrend of urbanisation and the related energy demand in India, Renewable Energy including PV solar offers an excellent option of a climate-neutral source of energy which can be integrated into the urban space.

The project is envisaged to support India’s vision, to have at least one solar city per state, so that the city's electricity needs are met entirely by solar energy or other renewable energy sources. In this regard, GIZ is providing the planning and implementing assistance to the 4 cities of Gandhinagar (GJ) Ayodhya (UP), Amritsar (PB) and Thiruvananthapuram (KL) for transforming them into 100% RE cities (with high shares of solar PV generation), under the project ‘Integration of Renewable Energies in the Indian Electricity System (I-RE)’.

As per the work plan, GIZ is developing a detailed cross-sectoral city level energy action plan which would assist these cities to follow a cleaner and greener pathway, to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and make use of climate related benefits, while achieving other development goals.

Additionally, through the potential assessment, demand aggregation and project implementation support, this project aims to promote distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems across the four cities.

Fig 2 – Potential Assessment of DRE’s using drone

Fig 3 – Solar Atlas mapping the potential of solar rooftop PV systems

Fig 4 - Distributed Solar PV assessment using drone survey

Contact Person
Mr. Mrinal Madas — Advisor
Integration of Renewable Energies in the Indian Electricity System (I-RE)

Key buzzwords
Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Energy Planning, Sustainable Urban Development

National Solar Rooftop Portal
Photo 1: India’s Prime Minster Modi announces the launch of the national portal for rooftop solar [NIC]

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on India on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany have signed an agreement for Indo-German Solar partnership Project (IGSEP). The objective of this project is to support the installation of the solar rooftop PV systems in the State of Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Daman & Diu and Dadra Nagar Haveli, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra, Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal. The project IGSEP is supporting MNRE on development of National Solar Rooftop Porta for India.

The Prime Minster (Shri Narendra Modi) launched the National portal for Rooftop solar, which will enable online tracking of the process of installation of rooftop solar plants, starting from registering the applications to release of subsidy in residential consumers’ ('beneficiaries’) bank account after installation and inspection of the plant. The estimated capacity under the national solar rooftop program is 4000 MW. This will be a major step towards realizing the solar rooftop potential of the nation and will contribute towards India’s target to produce 500 GW energy through non-fossil fuels committed in COP-26.

Photo 2: Infographic on the features of the national portal for rooftop solar. [Ministry of New and Renewable Energy]

Contact Person
Mr. Kuldeep Sharma — Project Manager
Indo-German Solar Energy Partnership (IGSEP)- Rooftop 2

Key buzzwords
Rooftop Solar, Portal, States

Ms. Hasina Khatun
Story of a successful Bondhu Chula Doctor
Pic 1: Bondhu Chula Doctor Ms. Hasina Khatun is putting finishing touches for installation of a domestic Bondhu Chula. [Photo credit: Biswajit Biswas, Copyright: GIZ]

Energising Development (EnDev) program is promoting access to clean cooking technology in Bangladesh since 2009. Through its implementing partner Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BBF), EnDev has helped disseminate Bondhu Chula, an improved biomass based cookstove with chimney, throughout the country. EnDev currently supports BBF for installation of commercial Bondhu Chula and training of ‘Bondhu Chula Doctors’, stove technicians responsible for providing maintenance and after-sales service of the stoves. One such ‘Doctor’ is Ms. Hasina Khatun, who has been able to gain financial independence and social recognition through her work. Read More

Contact Person
Zunayed Ahmed — Energy Advisor
Energising Development (EnDev)

Key buzzwords
Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Energy Planning, Sustainable Urban Development

Exchanging experiences on deploying energy efficiency solutions in enterprises of Small Energy Efficiency Group
Representatives from VETS shared the results of the the trainings on implementing energy control for the SEEG team in enterprises. [GIZ Viet Nam]

Effectiveness of implementing energy efficiency solutions, the time required to payback and difficulties in deploying energy efficiency solutions are the main topics being discussed in the workshop Exchanging Experiences on Deploying Energy Efficiency Solutions in Enterprises of Small Energy Efficiency Group (SEEG). The event took place on 11 October 2022 in Hai Phong.

The workshop welcomed around 30 representatives from enterprises of the Small Energy Efficiency Group (SEEG). The workshop was chaired by Mr. Markus Bissel - Head of Energy Efficiency Component of 4E Project (GIZ) and representatives from Natsteel, Chung Jye, TNG, Tien Phong Plastic, and ASIAN - PACK COMPANY.

The participants have shared the results of the the trainings on implementing energy control for the Small Energy Efficiency Group (SEEG) team in enterprises, as well as exchanged their experiences on deploying energy efficiency in different systems within their firm and on operating energy efficiency systems according to the ISO50001 standards. The chairpersons listened carefully to the company's views on difficulties in making the energy efficiency solutions work.

The workshop is the last activity of Small Energy Efficiency Group (SEEG)’s series of activities in order to support key energy-consuming enterprises with capacity building in practice, identifying the solutions for energy saving and enhancing the cooperation between different departments within the enterprises. Thereby, they are able to build a “saving energy” culture in enterprises.

Contact Person
Sven Ernedal — Project Director
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (4E) Project

Biomass for co-firing application at thermal power plants in Viet Nam
The workshop aimed to gather comments from both local and international experts to finalize the study on co-firing technology at coal-fired power plants and to identify potential and opportunities for partially coal by alternative fuel inputs.
A local expert listed thermal power plants in Viet Nam at the workshop. [GIZ Viet Nam]

While coal is often used in Viet Nam’s thermal power plants, the country can save 1 billion US dollars a year if replacing 10 percent of its annual coal import (or 4,000 million tons) with local biomass.

An international expert revealed the figures at a workshop on 6-7 September 2022 in Ninh Binh province. The event focused on local biomass potential, current technologies and co-firing application at thermal power plants.

National speakers summarized criteria evaluation for co-firing technologies and their applicability, outlined their study on local biomass market, and presented fact findings at selected biomass suppliers and thermal power plants.

They updated Viet Nam’s wood pellet production, which can be used at thermal power plants, instead of only selling them abroad. They introduced a case study on co-firing at a local plant, which the participants visited the following day.

The speakers then joined a round discussion on the topics.

For more information about the BEM project, please see here.

For further information, please contact Nathan Moore – BEM’s Project Director, Energy Cluster, GIZ Viet Nam.

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Nathan Moore — Project Director

Environment Working Groups
Understanding Pakistan’s risks to climate change
Over 40% of Pakistan’s labour force is associated with the agriculture sector and is highly vulnerable to climate change. [GIZ Pakistan]

Climate Risk Profile for Pakistan provides research-based data for adaptation planning and implementation. It provides an overview of future projected climate parameters and related impacts on different sectors in Pakistan until 2080. Read More

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Dr. Muhammad Abid — Senior Advisor
Strengthening Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Pakistan

Key buzzwords
Climate Change, Climate risks, adaptation, mitigation

Local governments to tackle waste management through the innovative vermicomposting
Vermicomposting location in Soutr Nikom district [GIZ / ISD]

Local governments in Siemreap province under the support of GIZ Cambodia and its development partner, GRET, are leading campaigns locally to raise awareness of the importance of organic waste segregation, its impacts, and how it can be composted properly.

Soutr Nikom district authorities are working on setting up vermicomposting facilities to optimize waste collection and improve practices in waste segregation to produce organic fertilizer in the district. Up to 400 Kg of worms and 5 tons of organic waste are to be converted into fertilizer monthly.

Vermicomposting is a sustainable organic production practice in which worms are used to convert organic waste into fertilizer. Fertilizer through vermicomposting is safer, healthier and requires less energy - thus less greenhouse gases are emitted.

The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) and GIZ Cambodia are working closely together to strengthen local governments to take ownership of waste management under the programme “Improved Service Delivery for Citizens in Cambodia” (ISD). Supporting the local government to enrich vermicomposting is one of ISD’s waste components. ISD is financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Presentation of vermicomposting facility setup [GIZ / ISD]

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Georg Jahnsen — Team Leader Waste Management
Improved Service Delivery for Citizens in Cambodia

Key buzzwords
Zerowaste, Methane Reduction, Compostable, Local Farmers

Transport Working Group
Women on the Move – Mentorship Programme
Screenshot of members’ meeting in September [Giulia Metyas]

As women continue to be underrepresented in the transport industry, it is vital to foster those in the early stages of their career. Women on the Move has launched a mentorship programme to connect women with similar goals and areas of focus. Applicants will be matched for one-on-one mentor-mentee relationships through our online form.

We encourage each pair to meet at least three times over a year and will organise “check-in” activities to enable best possible working relationships. After a year, mentors and mentees will be invited to give a joint presentation to reflect on how the mentorship has supported them in their goals. Of course, we encourage the partnership to continue even after this presentation!

Join the programme by filling in our form by 11th November 2022.

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Giulia Metyas — Intern
NDC Transport Initiative for Asia

Key buzzwords
Gender inclusiveness, mentorship, transport in Asia

GIZ´s Low Carbon Sea Transport Project orders climate-neutral Pacific Island supply ship
50m sailing cargo freighter delivered to the Marshall Islands in late 2023
Rendering of 50 low carbon freighter for the Marshall Islands [© HEL, Mr. Siegfried Wagner]

Within the bilateral project “Low Carbon Sea Transport in the Republic of the Marshall Islands” funded by the International Climate Initiative, GIZ has ordered the construction of one Pacific Island supply vessel with an innovative sail propulsion system for climate-neutral ship operations.

With strong local wind conditions, the ship can easily sail around the country with a powerful sailing system that is easy to operate and capable of automation. The power supply for the auxiliary operation is provided by renewable energy sources via photovoltaics, small wind turbines and a shaft generator. A conversion to coconut-based biodiesel can be made possible. In addition to the transport task, the ship will also be used as training platform. This milestone leads the path for the entire Pacific Region for zero emission sea transport.

Drawing of 50 low carbon freighter for the Marshall Islands [© HEL, Mr. Siegfried Wagner]

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Berlin Philippo — Project Officer
Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport

Key buzzwords
50m Sailing Cargo Ship, Marshall Islands, Low Carbon Sea Transport, sail propulsion system, climate-neutral

Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands funded by GIZ, Low Carbon Sea Transport
Construction of the Maritime Training Center, Marshall Islands
New Maritime Training Center at Uligah Dock, Marshall Islands. [© Raffael Held and Berlin Philippo, LCST]

The Low Carbon Sea Transport has contracted a local Marshallese construction company name Joemar Construction Ltd. to construct a first, new Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands, which will be used by the College of the Marshall Island (CMI) to conduct Maritime Training Courses to the CMI students. The building is owned by MISC and funded by GIZ. The construction is at its peak of completion in which the building will then be in usage around November or December 2022. As for the training courses, it is to start around March 2023. In parallel with the new Sailing Vessel that will be delivered to the Marshall Islands, the courses taught in the Maritime Training Center will prepare the trainees for the vessel as well as for the existing ships using fuel, owned by the Marshall Islands Shipping Corporation (MISC).

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Berlin Philippo — Project Officer
Transitioning to Low Carbon Sea Transport

Key buzzwords
Maritime Training Center, Marshall Islands, Low Carbon Sea Transport, MTC, Maritime Training, Uliga Dock, CMI, MISC

Creating Synergies between Mobility Projects in India
Four projects of GIZ India’s Urban Cluster come together to identify common activities
Members from different teams discussing potential for common work areas [GIZ]

GIZ India’s mobility and transport projects from the Urban Cluster recently came together for a strategy workshop in Jaipur, India, to identify common synergies and potential for undertaking joint activities. The workshop held between 27-28th September saw the teams of four projects deliberate on avenues for better coordination amongst the projects Sustainable Urban Mobility – Air Quality, Climate Action and Accessibility (SUM-ACA), Climate Friendly E-Mobility, Green Freight and Green Urban Innovation Living Lab (GUMILL).

This novel attempt bringing together different teams working on similar themes intended to explore ways to combine intellectual and financial resources of four projects for the optimum utilisation of budget and human resources.

Apart from brainstorming sessions and presentations by each team, the workshop discussed a common communication strategy and the announcement of a ‘GIZ India Mobility Conference’ next year with the four projects pooling in their resources to bring their partners and commissioning ministries under the same roof for a cross-sectoral multi-stakeholder dialogue.

The workshop integrated team building activities and ice-breaker games to help new members get oriented with each other and build camaraderie between teams. A site visit was also organized to the UNESCO World Heritage site covering historical landmarks like City Palace, Hawa Mahal, Albert Hall, and Nahargarh Fort.

GIZ India’s Transport projects from Urban Cluster visiting the historical City Palace [GIZ]

Contact Person
Ernst Doering — Cluster Coordinator
Sustainable Urban Industrial Development Cluster, GIZ India

Key buzzwords
Team building, Strategy Workshop, Mobility

‘Project Rakshak’: 12,000 First Responders Trained to Save Lives of Road Crash Victims

India witnesses more road crashes than any other country – around 150,000 deaths per year. Many of these lives are lost due to a lack of emergency treatment in the ‘golden hour’ - the first 60 minutes after the crash. Project Rakshak is a joint initiative by the Government of Odisha, GIZ India, Indian Red Cross and ASDC to save the lives of road crash victims by creating a force of 30,000 first responders or “Rakshaks (protectors)” across Odisha. The first-of-kind state-wide project aims to train first responders near accident-prone sites to administer pre-hospital trauma care within the first hour of the road crash. Read More

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Laghu Parashar — Deputy Project Head
Sustainable Urban Transport – Air Quality, Climate Action and Accessibility (SUM-ACA)

Key buzzwords
Road safety, first-aid

Launch of National Logistics Policy for India by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi

The ‘Climate Friendly Freight Transport in India' (Green Freight) project, supported The Logistics Division, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India in the preparation of the National Logistics Policy (NLP) - which was launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi on 17 September 2022 in New Delhi, India. It is also one of the key outcomes of the project.

The NLP was initiated with a vision to develop a technologically enabled, integrated, cost-efficient, resilient, sustainable, and trusted logistics ecosystem in the country for accelerated and inclusive growth.

India is the world’s fifth biggest economy yet has a logistic performance far below many regional and global peers. The NLP aims to bridge this gap. “To ensure quick last-mile delivery, end transport-related challenges, save time and money of the manufacturers, prevent wastage of the agro-products, concerted efforts were made and one of the manifestations of those efforts is today’s National Logistics Policy”, the Prime Minister said addressing the crowd.

The NLP will be implemented through a Comprehensive Logistics Action Plan which includes action areas such as integrated digital logistics systems, human resource development, capacity building, national support for action by cities and states, efficiency, or multimodal logistics parks.

It will boost the profile of logistics as a political issue in India, and it will be the key reference for GIZ India’s ongoing support towards environmental sustainability in the freight and logistics sector.

Contact Person
Mr. Deepak Baindur — Deputy Project Director
Climate Friendly Freight Traffic in India (Green Freight)

Training Program on Cold Chain

The Cold Chain Logistic Resource Centre (CCLRC) along with National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship Management (NIFTEM) organised a training program for industry members, farmers, supply chain managers and cold store owners. The objective of the training is to create awareness on best practices in cold chain and disseminate knowledge to address gaps in cold chain infrastructure. The focal areas included integrated supply cain, new technologies (IoT) and commodity specific storage protocols.

Training delivery was carried out on 27th and 28th September 2022 and saw representation from organizations such as Maersk, Balmer Laurie, entrepreneurs, farmers, and students. Experts delivering the content were from Organizations including Carrier, Danfoss, G Base Technologies.

Contact Person
Mr. Deepak Baindur — Deputy Project Director
Climate Friendly Freight Traffic in India (Green Freight)

Report launch of Freight GreenHouseGas Calculator
The Climate Friendly Freight Transport in India (Green Freight) project supported Logistics Division, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade to develop a Freight Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator. The GHG Calculator is an efficient, user-friendly tool that allows users to calculate and compare GHG emissions. It allows for commodity-wise comparison of GHG emissions and total cost of transportation, including their environmental cost. Currently, the calculator compares two movement between two modes of transport, i.e., by road and rail. The report for the calculator can be accessed here: https://logistics.gov.in/initiatives/freight-ghg-calculator/

Contact Person
Mr. Deepak Baindur — Deputy Project Director
Climate Friendly Freight Traffic in India (Green Freight)

Launch of E-Handbook on Warehousing Standards
Warehousing and related assets are an important segment of the overall logistics sector in the country. In the warehousing value chains, “standardisation” is becoming essential for reducing costs, improving efficiency, and ensuring global compatibility as well as competitiveness. While there are many generic infrastructure design and operational standards published in India, awareness about applicable warehousing specific standards itself poses a challenge before they are even applied by facility operators, owners, developers and regulatory agencies.

The Climate Friendly Freight Transport in India (Green Freight) project supported its partner Logistics Division, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) to create a e-handbook collating existing standards and global best practices for easy reference to the sector. The e-book can be accessed here: https://dpiit.gov.in/logistics-division#e-HandbookonWarehousingStandards

Contact Person
Mr. Deepak Baindur — Deputy Project Director
Climate Friendly Freight Traffic in India (Green Freight)

Circular Economy, Sustainable Waste Management & Marine Litter Prevention Task Force
‘Rethinking Plastics’: Knowledge and insights from 3,5 years of project implementation
The “Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter” project organised its closing event and shared lessons learnt towards a circular economy for plastics in seven countries in East- and Southeast Asia.
Group picture of the participants at the closing conference of Rethinking Plastics [GIZ / Rethinking Plastics]

In September, the EU/BMZ-funded “Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter” project organised its closing event and shared lessons learnt towards a circular economy for plastics in seven countries in East- and Southeast Asia. All insights, results, pilot project approaches and publications are now available on the project website. Read More

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Lena Kampe — Key Expert
Rethinking Plastics – Circular Economy Solutions to Marine Litter

Key buzzwords
Circular economy, plastic waste management, marine litter prevention, plastic reduction, sustainable consumption and production, Thailand, China, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan

G20 Support to the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK)
The start of a new global ocean partnership, and the importance of a green recovery in the context of G20.

Throughout the Indonesian G20 Presidency, the IKI projects Strategic Environmental Dialogues (SUD) and Climate and Biodiversity Hub Indonesia (CLARITY) worked closely with the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). This included the elaboration of the G20 study “Stocktaking of Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Sustainable Recovery” and the implementation of the launch event of the “G20 Partnership for Ocean-Based Action for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation” at the G20 Joint Environment and Climate Ministers' Meeting (JECMM). Both collaborations have had significant impacts, with 150 participants at the event and an acknowledgement of the study in the JECMM Chair’s Summary. The G20 Presidency Study and G20 Partnership for Ocean-Based Action for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation will be incorporated into the G20 Leaders Declaration, which will be announced at G20 High Level Meeting in November 2022. Read More

Contact Person
Jonatan Steinig, Sonny Syahril and Winda Retna Sari — Advisor
Strategic Environmental Dialogues, and Climate & Biodiversity Indonesia

Key buzzwords
“Ocean-partnership”, “climate action”, “marine conservation”, “G20”, “Indonesia”

The energy transition as a catalyst for a green economy and low-carbon development
IKI supports training for Indonesian decision makers from Sept. 12-16, 2022 in Bogor
Director of Environment at Bappenas, Dr. Medrilzam, greets the participants of the training during the opening session on September 12th, 2022, in Bogor, Indonesia. [GIZ]

To support the Environment Directorate of the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia (Bappenas) to further integrate Green Economy and Green Recovery into development planning, the International Climate Initiative (IKI) projects Strategic Environmental Dialogues (SUD) and the Climate and Biodiversity Hub Indonesia (ClimB) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) organized a training for Indonesian ministry representatives on the role of the Energy Transition for a Green Economy in Indonesia. The training provided an opportunity for different government stakeholders to exchange and discuss on questions and common issues. Read More

Contact Person
Carolina Rojas, Thres Sanctyeka — Advisor
Strategic Environmental Dialogues (SUD) and Climate and Biodiversity Hub in Indonesia (ClimB)

Key buzzwords
Energy Transition, Green Economy, Green Recovery, Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon Development, Indonesia
Events, Trainings & Webinars
Completed Events
Capacity Development on the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), and Intersessional Working Group Meetings on Greenhouse Gases meetings
The RMI and LCST hosted an on-site workshop on Capacity Development on the International Maritime Organization (IMO), focus on MEPC and ISWG-GHG. Participants at the workshop were the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Transportation, Communication, and Information Technology, Climate Change Directorate, Marshall Islands Shipping Corp., Office of Maritime Administration, Environmental Protection authority, Fiji RMI Embassy, South Pacific Community, and Independent Diplomat. Further IMO Workshops will happen around December 2022.

Date 13 – 14 September 2021
Time 8AM-12PM
Location Marshall Islands Resort, Conference Room

Contact Person
Berlin Philippo — Project Officer
Low Carbon Sea Transport

Groundbreaking Ceremony of the New Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands
The LCST invited the Marshallese Government and all LCST partners to the Groundbreaking of the Maritime Training Center. Honorable President David Kabua, Local Chiefs/Landowners, and all partners to the LCST attended the groundbreaking ceremony. The groundbreaking ceremony had led the people of RMI to be excited for the Maritime Training Center and the courses that will take place. After a year of construction work, the Maritime Training Center is awaiting its opening ceremony.

Date August 27, 2021
Time 3PM-5PM
Location Uligah Dock, Marshall Islands

Contact Person
Berlin Philippo — Project Officer
Low Carbon Sea Transport

Pakistani youth showcase innovative solutions to fight against climate change
The Pakistan-German Climate and Energy Partnership (CEP) held a national level “Youth4Climate” competition in Pakistan. Young Pakistani climate activists and entrepreneurs submitted innovative ideas and solutions for strengthening Pakistan’s climate change mitigation and adaptation. A start-up venture, ‘Elis E-Bike’, won the competition and was awarded with a cash prize of PKR 50,000. The start-up manufactures locally assembled e-bikes in an affordable price and offers a different design/model for female riders. They have already sold over 60 e-bikes so far.

Date June 2022
Location Pakistan

Contact Person
Hartmut Behrend — Coordinator CEP
Climate and Energy Partnership

Policy Workshop on Green Financing Mechanisms in Pakistan
Pakistan-German Climate and Energy Partnership, in cooperation with the Pakistani Network of Green Energy Transition, organised a high-level policy workshop on the implementation of Green Financing Mechanisms in Pakistan. Senior level officials from the public and private sector, as well as international development partners attended the workshop. The workshop provided key insights into the opportunities and capacity gaps related to green financing that already exist in Pakistan and provided recommendations for the public and private sectors for accessing national and international climate finance.

Date 21 - 22 June 2022
Location Karachi

Contact Person
Hartmut Behrend — Coordinator CEP
Climate and Energy Partnership

2nd High Level Policy Dialogue between BMZ and Pakistani Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC)
Pakistan-German Climate and Energy Partnership organised the ‘2nd High-Level Policy Dialogue’ between BMZ and MoCC in October 2022. Representatives from Ministry of Energy, KfW, BGR, German Embassy, and relevant provincial government departments also attended the policy dialogue.

They discussed Germany’s response to the recent flooding in Pakistan and the way forward to further enhance the bilateral cooperation in the energy and climate change sectors. Both sides also agreed to present ‘Common Commitments’ at COP27 in Egypt for strengthening Pakistan’s climate and disaster risk management. Pakistan was also offered to join the G7 support under the ‘Global Shield’, to be launched by Germany at COP27.

Date 12 October 2022
Location Islamabad / Hybrid

Contact Person
Hartmut Behrend — Coordinator CEP
Climate and Energy Partnership

Closing Workshop of Indian Rooftop PV Installers Skilling & Employment (IRISE)
This project supported the "Skilling India” initiative targeting 500 million skilled workers to be placed in appropriate employment by 2022. IRISE focused on upskilling Indian Solar installers (Suryamitras) and companies. Training of trainers were organised for more than 100 Skill Council for Green Jobs certified Master trainers on the topics including platform skills, quality solar installation and marketing tactics. These Upskilled trainers conducted 10 days in-class workshop for more than 1700 certified suryamitras. IRISE project reached back to these upskilled suryamitras and discovered that more than 50% of the respondents have either found a suitable job or have started their own enterprise. Project also conducted trainings for more than 350 DISCOM officers on the topic of “conducting PV installation quality and performance inspections” and certified them as Solar Elite Inspectors.

Date 6 – 7 October 2022
Location Goa, India

Contact Person
Abhishek Dalal — Energy Specialist
Indo-German Solar Energy Partnership (IGSEP)- Rooftop 2

3RproMar 1st Regional Workshop Series: Accelerating the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris
Group photo of online and offline participants [Bahasa Global]

Bringing the theme “Accelerating the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris”, the 1st Regional Workshop Series had been held on 30–31 May 2022. The workshop served as a platform to exchange several issues relevant to the acceleration of the implementation of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan for Combating Marine Debris, which was the main topic of this 1st Regional Workshop. On the first day, the participants recognised the need to strengthen cooperation at the regional and national levels, particularly on how the national and local action plans could be aligned with the ASEAN Regional Action Plan, and vice versa. The second day had a closer look on approaches of research and innovation, as well as public awareness raising. The participants noted the need to bring solutions into country contexts in the fields of research, innovation/technology, and capacity building, and to advance doable implementable business models in country contexts. In this regard, it is important improve knowledge management and communication platform. The last plenary session raised the issue of public awareness and importance of collaboration between government who regulates and establish policy, private sector, and civil society movement in order to achieve impactful behavioral change. On both days, the workshop participants were also invited in group discussions to generate recommendations for enabling the planning phase of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan and to explore opportunities for 3RproMar project to contribute to the implementation of ASEAN Regional Action Plan.

Date 30-31 May 2022
Time 09:00-17:00 (GMT+7)
Location Hybrid (online and offline in Jakarta, Indonesia and in Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

One of the Breakout Group discussions on Day 2: 31 May 2022 about private sector engagement [Bahasa Global]

Link to further materials
Contact Person
Revina Putri — Advisor

Stakeholder Dialog and Technical Exchange on Circular Solutions for Indonesia
Introduction of Prevent Waste Alliance by PWA Coordinator, Nicole Bendsen [Andy Panjaitan]

With the Stakeholder Dialog and Technical Exchange on Circular Solutions for Indonesia the Prevent Waste Alliance aimed to systematically address the complex challenges of waste management by involving the perspectives of all stakeholders in the development of circular solutions for Indonesia. The event was co-organized by the projects 3proMar, Rethinking Plastics and CAP SEA. Over 80 persons from private sector, government organizations, academia and civil society attended. Innovations from digital technologies were presented and experiences exchanged on the topics of EPR and behavioral change.

Date 11 October 2022
Time 09:00-17:00 WIB
Location Westin Hotel, Jakarta

One of the FGDs on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) [Andy Panjaitan]

Contact Person
Andy Panjaitan — Advisor

Enhancing local governments in tackling waste management issue
Participants proposed solutions to address waste issues in their communities [GIZ / ISD]

To decentralise functions to sub-national governments, GIZ Cambodia and the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) conducted three consultation workshops with the local governments to prepare joint implementation plans to tackle waste management issues in targeted provinces: Siemreap, Banteay Meanchey, Battambang.

The workshop brought together relevant stakeholders including a deputy governor, chief councillors, administrative directors, and district governors, to discuss waste management challenges as well as propose viable solutions.

In an effort to transfer the functions, GIZ Cambodia is working with NCDDS through the programme “Improved Service Delivery for Citizens in Cambodia” (ISD) Cambodia to promote local measures and initiatives for solving waste management issues with a focus on vermicomposting, improving waste collection services, private sector engagement and promoting Zero waste communities.

Date 30 August 2022
Location Siemreap province

Date 31 August 2022
Location Paoy Paet municipality

Date 1 September 2022
Location Battambang province

Cleaning activities in Battambang province [GIZ / ISD]

Link to further materials

Contact Person
Georg Jahnsen — Team Leader Waste Management
Improved Service Delivery for Citizens in Cambodia

Improving the Quality of Human Resources for Better Sustainable Transport
Ministry of Transportation in collaboration with SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS held a capacity development program in the form of Training-of-Trainers (ToT) in Jakarta on March 1-30, 2022. This activity, which was filled with discussions and work visits, aimed to increase knowledge about public transport and transport demand management. A total of 20 participants from the Human Resources Development Center for Transportation Apparatuses, College of Land Transport, Polytechnic of Land Transport Bali and Polytechnic of Road Transport Safety Tegal also participated.

Date March 2022
Location Jakarta, Indonesia

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Starting 2022 with a Discussion on Sustainable Transport Implementation Plans
SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS held its 4th Steering Committee Meeting on 9 March 2022 in Jakarta. Program activities in 2021 and 2022 were reviewed including the implementation of bus rapid transit (BRT) in Bandung, Makassar, Semarang, Pekanbaru and Batam. Ministry of Transportation (MoT) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) conducted a handover session on the results of the Feasibility Study (FS) for BRT development in Batam and Makassar from GIZ and SECO to MoT. The event continued with several topics, including the result of FS Batam and Makassar and funding options for BRT in Makassar and Semarang.

Date March 2022
Location Jakarta, Indonesia

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Promoting Reliable Public Transport with Bus Driver Training and Certification
One of the focuses of the collaboration between SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS with the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) for the development of sustainable transport in Indonesia is giving training to bus drivers who operate under the buy the service (BTS) scheme. The 'Safety and Eco-driving' training has been successfully held in Makassar (for Trans Mamminasata bus drivers) in May and the Bandung (for Trans Metro Pasundan bus drivers) in June 2022. A total of 256 BTS drivers attended driving training sessions with trainers from SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS. The drivers then took a test session and got a driving certification, which signifies the improved quality of BTS drivers in Makassar and Bandung.

Date May 2022
Location Makassar, Indonesia

Date June 2022
Location Bandung, Indonesia

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Indonesia's Sustainable Urban Transport Journey at TCCW 2022
The collaborative journey of SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (MoT) was appreciated at the 5th Transport & Climate Change Week (TCCW), held on May 2022. MoT’s Director of Road Transportation gave a recorded presentation describing the success stories and ongoing support of SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS, in cooperation with MoT, to develop sustainable transport in five pilot cities in Indonesia (Bandung, Semarang, Makassar, Pekanbaru and Batam), through the bus rapid transit development. After the video presentation session, MoT’s Head of the Mass Transportation Division joined a live discussion session with the topic of 'Digitalisation for Transport: New Ways and Possibilities', along with representatives from China & Vietnam.

Date May 2022
Location Hanoi, Vietnam

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Mission to Emphasize Sustainable Transport in Semarang
Sustainable transport development in Indonesia continues to be the focus of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, which is also supported by SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS. In May 2022, one of SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS’s programme donor, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), conducted a mission in one of Indonesia's BRT pilot cities, Semarang. The visit, which was accompanied by SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS, was aimed at following up on the BRT implementation in Semarang. The Mayor of Semarang emphasized Semarang's commitment to strengthening the public transport system through Trans Semarang services on his welcoming speech.

Date May 2022
Location Semarang

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Exploring the Advantages of BRT Implementation
The success of the bus rapid transit (BRT) implementation doesn't only depend on the operation of buses in dedicated corridors, but also the capacity of human resource. In the Capacity Development activity held in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation and SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS this year, hundreds of government members from five pilot cities, Bandung, Makassar, Semarang, Batam and Pekanbaru, learn the advantages of the BRT system in seven modules, ranging from the technical, financial, regulatory to operational aspects.”. The activity was divided into two batches, in July it was attended by 150 people and in September it was attended by 20 people. At the end of the event, all participants took the test and passed.

Date July and September 2022
Location Jakarta, Indonesia

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Gearing Up for Awards Towards Sustainable Transport
On 4-5 October 2022 in Surabaya, the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation in collaboration with SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS held the 'Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN) Socialization and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Action Workshop'. The purpose of this event is to distribute information regarding the guidelines of the WTN Award, which will be given to local governments and institutions to enhance the implementation of reliable transport in urban areas. In addition, local stakeholders from 34 provinces of Indonesia also participated in discussions on Indonesia's policy and practical approach to implementing and measuring GHG emission reduction actions/low-carbon development.

Date October 2022
Location Surabaya, Indonesia

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).

Upcoming Events
Opening Ceremony of the New Maritime Training Center in the Marshall Islands, Low Carbon Sea Transport
After a whole year of the construction of the Maritime Training Center, the Opening Ceremony is planned for January 2023. The Opening Ceremony of the Maritime Training Center is currently in the phase of planning and will take place in the month of January 2023. The invitation will be sent to the RMI Government, the local Chiefs/Landowners and all LCST partners.

Date January 2023
Location Majuro, Marshall Islands, Uliga Dock

Contact Person
Berlin Philippo — Project Officer
Low Carbon Sea Transport

Delivery of the New 50m Sailing Cargo ship to the Marshall Islands
The New Sailing Cargo ship is currently under construction in South Korea by Kostec Shipyard Ltd and Asia Shipbuilding Company, is set to be delivered to the Marshall Islands in December 2023.

Date December 2023
Location Majuro, Marshall Islands

Contact Person
Raffael Held — Project Director
Low Carbon Sea Transport

Signing of ‘Common Commitments’ at COP 27
Pakistan-German Climate and Energy Partnership will host a side event at the COP27 to present and sign “Common Commitments on Climate Resilience” between the Pakistani and German Governments. These commitments will support Pakistan to strengthen climate risk insurance and for implementing the Global Shield against climate change supported by the G7 countries. This will support Pakistan in its long-term adaptation to climate change, its natural endowment and its economy and provide compensation for losses and damages due to climate change related disasters.

Date TBD (in Nov 2022)
Location Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Contact Person
Hartmut Behrend — Coordinator CEP
Climate and Energy Partnership

National Stakeholder Forum in Viet Nam
As part of the efforts to develop national measures for waste leakage reduction in Vietnam, and their translation into local strategies, GIZ 3RproMar Vietnam organizes a total of three national stakeholder forums from 2022 to 2024 bringing together a broad range of key stakeholders working in the areas of solid waste, marine litter, and circular economy. The national stakeholder fora aim at levelling the transfers of strategies and knowledge from the regional to the local level, and vice versa. Bringing the theme “Identifying Barriers and Best practices to prevent waste leakage to the sea of Vietnam”, the 1st National Stakeholder Forum will be held in a hybrid format (in-person in Ho Chi Minh City and online via Microsoft Teams). This event will target the Vietnamese National Focal Points (NFPs) of AWGCME, AWGESC, AWGCW, and other relevant ASEAN Working Groups, among other representatives of national and local governments in the Mekong Delta. The Workshop will also involve the private sector/industries across the value chain (e.g., brand owners, producers, collectors, and recyclers), the informal sector, technical/academic experts and researchers, civil society organizations, as well as development partners and non-governmental organizations.

Date 27 October 2022
Time 08.00-15.00 (GMT+7)
Location Saigon Prince Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City

Contact Person
Nguyen Thi Thuc Anh — Junior Advisor

National Stakeholder Forum in Indonesia
In Indonesia, a series of national stakeholder forums shall be implemented respectively, to provide an interface among various stakeholders working on the issue of plastic pollution and marine litter. The forums will also serve as stepping-stones towards the smooth transfers of strategies/knowledge from the regional to the local level, and vice versa, thus concluding an integrated capacity development approach across all levels. The moderation of the forum can be in the format of policy exchange/ dialogue or workshop or focus group discussion (FGD). The 1st forum to be held in 2022 will be delivered in the format of policy exchange.The output of this Policy Dialogue is to enhance knowledge of the relevant stakeholders on the initiatives, good practices, and strategies to address marine plastic litter through plastic circularity; and to establish platform under the 3RproMar project to share lesson learnt, and exchange information on plastic circularity to address marine litter in ASEAN and Indonesia. Targeted participants shall include representatives of national and local governments, the private sector/industries across the value chain (e.g., brand owners, producers, collectors, and recyclers), the informal sector, technical/academic experts and researchers, civil society organisations (including non-governmental organisations and relevant associations), as well as development partners and also relevant media which focus on circular economy and environment awareness.

Date 30 November 2022 (tentative)
Time 09.00-16.00 (GMT+7)
Location Pullman Hotel, Thamrin, Jakarta

Contact Person
Ocasa Preditha — Advisor

15th Urban Mobility India Conference
Urban Mobility India is an annual conference organised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA), Government of India. For the fourth year in a row, GIZ India is supporting MoHUA to organise the conference in the capacity of a knowledge partner.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Sustainable Atmanirbhar (“self-reliant”) Urban Mobility’, celebrating 75 years of Indian Independence. In line with the theme, several technical sessions are being organised on various aspects of mobility, including GIZ sessions on ‘Urban Transport Startups – Ideation and Follow up Action’ and Gender Inclusive Mobility.

The full programme agenda is available at: Programmes (urbanmobilityindia.in)

Date 4 - 6 November 2022
Time 9:30 – 17:00
Location Kochi (Hybrid)

Link to join conference

Contact Person
Laghu Parashar — Deputy Project Head
Sustainable Urban Mobility – Air Quality, Climate Action and Accessibility

Sustainable Transportation Forum 2022
To encourage more cities in Indonesia to initiate reform of the urban transportation system, the Ministry of Transportation together with SUTRI NAMA & INDOBUS are conducting a 'Sustainable Transportation Forum' on 20-21 October 2022 in Bali. The forum will bring together national government, local government, and non-government institutions such as developing partners, communities, and potential domestic/foreign development investors. It will be a platform for dialogue and sharing ideas as well as potential project financing to create a sustainable urban transportation system. This event will be divided into two days, the first day is the main plenary session and followed by a focused discussion session with selected themes on the second day.

Date October 2022
Location Bali, Indonesia

Contact Person
Ardita — Junior Communication Specialist
Sustainable Urban Transport Programme (SUTRI NAMA) and
Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS)

Sustainable Urban Transport Programme Indonesia (SUTRI NAMA) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) of the United Kingdom through the NAMA Facility. The Indonesian Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Development Project (INDOBUS) is implemented by GIZ in cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The project is funded by the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO).
Documents & Publications
Executive Programme In Sustainable Transport: Summary Report
Poorly planned transport systems can increase the existing inequalities in cities. Government officials and decision makers are crucial in reducing this gap to provide safe, sustainable and inclusive transport for all. To help develop capacities of city officials on urban transport, climate-resilient approaches and related themes like ASI framework, accessibility and green mobility, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India and GIZ launched an Executive Programme in Sustainable Transport.

28 senior and mid-level government officials from various Indian cities joined this training programme to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of urban transport planning and management.

The summary report details out the processes and methods used for the training programme.

Link to publication

Key buzzwords
Capacity Building, Sustainable Transport
Other Newsletters, Useful Links & Platforms
AdaptationCommunity.net - The Global Programme Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (HMCCC) have launched a global website, a subpage on Climate Change and Migration under the AdaptationCommunity.net. Please click the link for an introduction to the topic of climate change-induced human mobility, publications, and other resources. The global programme operates in the Pacific Islands, the Philippines and the Caribbean, and is supported by a team in Bonn.

GIZ International Forestry Policy Newsletter - Subscribe now to get news and updates on GIZ International Forest Policy. If you would like to receive the GIZ International Forest Policy Newsletter, please send a message to forests@giz.de

GIZ Philippines Facebook Page - Get updated on GIZ Philippines and Pacific

GIZ Thailand Website - Learn about GIZ Thailand activities and other updates

Indo-German Biodiversity Programme - Indo-German Biodiversity Programme Newsletters

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II (REEEP II) Newsletter - Subscribe to get news and updates on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme II of GIZ Bangladesh. To receive the newsletter, please send an email to Ananya.rubayat@giz.de

SNRD Asia and The Pacific Website - Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development Asia and the Pacific

SNRD Africa Website - Stay informed what is happening with our sister network

Engage with TUMI’s threads on TUMI’s Twitter

TUEWAS Website - Knowledge Management platform where useful information of Sector Network structure, news, events, and activities are shared for GIZ colleagues and externals.

Farewell to National Staffs in the Low Carbon Sea Transport
The LCST Project would love to take the opportunity to thank the staff who have been in the project for a while. LCST Finance and Admin, Ms. Suewellynn Langerine-Johannes will be leaving the project at the end of December 2022. As for Mr. Parveen Kumar and Ms. Eleni Senibale, who are based in Fiji will also be leaving the project at the end of December 2022.
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Sector Network TUEWAS
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