
A group photo featuring Heinrich Gudenus, the Urban-Act Project Director, and Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, the Secretary-General of UCLG ASPAC, along with the panelists, keynote speaker, and moderator
Banner picture of trainings
Left to right: Head of Pekanbaru City Regional Development Planning Agency, Head of Pekanbaru City Transportation Agency, Mayor of Pekanbaru, Country Director GIZ Indonesia & ASEAN, Regional Secretary of Pekanbaru City
The participants of the study trip inside the MRT station
All participants of the Knowledge Management Forum (KMF) 2023
Panelists and Speakers of the breakout session co-hosted by GIZ 3RproMar. From left to right: Rocky Pairunan (NPAP), Piyush Dhawan (GIZ 3RproMar), Kathinka Fürst (NIVA), Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto (Chairwoman of NPAP), Susan Jobling (PISCES Partnership), and Arisman (CSEAS)
Figure 1: Officials in Cambodia evacuating residents from their flooded home